
Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

I walk with the shine of sun


I walk with the shine of sun
by Kissezonthemoon

'You say you do. but yet your not really sure, thats why your constantly changing the rule, you sleep with one eye open the other tired from the strain, you get lost in the questions you ask yourself daily, like a fist beaten against the brain,

If, when, why, what?

But still you say you have the best

I know you got,what you got

I say dont knock on my heart

because yours still beats in my chest

at night when i dream i taste the salt on my lips

tears I cry for every word youve said

There used to be guilt for my sins

until I pulled down the confinement of everything you did

i almost hated you

but then i out witted you once again, because that would mean youd win

You almost had me forgetten who i was, Afraid of feeling alive,

Yeah i was low stagering down and out

feeling kinda worthless

walking around like a blind minion

I dont know what your logic was

but I know what made me see

through the crimson blur you created from me

a girl who dreamed and believed

from your withered flower a rose has bud

I walk with the shine of sun

Once again Im able to enjoy the feeling of fun

no longer is it a short lived emotion with no where to go

so i say to you fare well indeed

may the bed of brittle glass and liquid amber

embrace your forever sorry ass


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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