
Minggu, 22 Januari 2012



      My drag and exhale the breath slowly
now reflect on the situation ... until the memory is made
my breath I exhale and pull it even tighter
I could ask, Why this silence makes me lonely,
and I really hate ...
In the black and dark night, I must always sink
and why in the afternoon that I was going through my days should be like a dagger,
dancing in the veins,,,
and after you understood the meaning of all this sincerity
when I was there again, until sesalmu accompanied tears,,,
When my body in a plain white cloth bandage.


If only I had time, I would pause for a moment to make sure the state ...
so that no more bisudi this heart.
Were I the wind, I want to bring this sense of sailing,
Through the days in samudrahatimu,
To be able to embrace my taste anyway you ...
My paintings can be immortal and I think in your heart, ..
that no longer have to go through every inch of my shadow and night ...
which is always just cornered me into the void,
and blank me in a vacuum.


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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